Executive Suite - Eingang
Comfort Room - Bagno
Comfort Room - Bad
Comfort Room - Bath room
Comfort Room - Balcone
Comfort Room - Balkon
Comfort Room - Balcony
Comfort Room - Ingresso
Comfort Room - Eingang
Comfort Room - Atrium
Comfort Room - Camera
Comfort Room - Schlafzimmer
Comfort Room - Bedroom
Comfort Terra - Bagno
Comfort Terra - Bad
Comfort Terra - Bath room
Comfort Terra - Balcone
Comfort Terra - Balkon
Comfort Terra - Balcony
Comfort Terra - Camera
Comfort Terra - Schlafzimmer
Comfort Terra - Bedroom
Comfort Terra - Ingresso
Comfort Terra - Eingang
Comfort Terra - Atrium
Executive Suite - Bagno
Executive Suite - Bad
Executive Suite - Bath room
Executive Suite - Terrazza
Executive Suite - Terrasse
Executive Suite - Terrace
Executive Suite - Camera
Executive Suite - Schlafzimmer
Executive Suite - Bedroom
Executive Suite - Ingresso
Executive Suite - Eingang
Executive Suite - Atrium
King Suite - Terrazza
King Suite - Terrasse
King Suite - Terrace
King Suite - Camera
King Suite - Schlafzimmer
King Suite - Bedroom
King Suite - Ingresso
King Suite - Eingang
King Suite - Atrium
King Suite
King Suite
King Suite
Standard Room - Bagno
Standard Room - Bad
Standard Room - Bath room
Standard Room - Balcone
Standard Room - Balkon
Standard Room - Balcony
Standard Room - Camera
Standard Room - Schlafzimmer
Standard Room - Bedroom
Triple Room - Bagno
Triple Room - Bad
Triple Room - Bath room
Triple Room - Balcone
Triple Room - Balkon
Triple Room - Balcony
Triple Room - Camera
Triple Room - Schlafzimmer
Triple Room - Bedroom
Triple Room - Ingresso
Triple Room - Eingang
Triple Room - Atrium
Hotel Bellariva - Vista aerea
Hotel Bellariva - Vista aerea
Hotel Bellariva - Vista aerea
Sala colazioni 1
Frühstückssaal 1
Breakfast hall 1
Sala colazioni 2
Frühstückssaal 2
Breakfast hall 2
Sala colazioni - Bar
Frühstückssaal - Bar
Breakfast hall - Bar
Buffet - Frutta, Insalate e Yogurt
Buffet - Obst, Salate und Joghurt
Buffet - Fruit, Salads and Yoghurt
Sala colazioni 3
Frühstückssaal 3
Breakfast hall 3
Buffet - Dolci muesli e frutta secca
Buffet - Kuchen, Müsli und Trockenfrüchte
Buffet - Sweets Muesli and dried fruit
Buffet - Dolci muesli e frutta secca 2
Buffet - Kuchen, Müsli und Trockenfrüchte 2
Buffet - Sweets Muesli and dried fruit 2
Buffet - Pane e succhi
Buffet - Brot und Säfte
Buffet - Bread and juices
Buffet - Salumi, uova, formaggi e brioches
Buffet - Wurst, Eier, Käse und Bioches
Buffet - Cold meats, eggs, cheeses and bioches
Sala colazioni 4
Frühstückssaal 4
Breakfast hall 4
Sala colazioni 5
Frühstückssaal 5
Breakfast hall 5
Arrivo dal lago
Ankunft vom See
Arrival from the lake
Ristorante Pizzeria - Giardino 1
Restaurant Pizzeria - Garten 1
Restaurant Pizzeria - Garden 1
Ristorante Pizzeria - Giardino 2
Restaurant Pizzeria - Garten 2
Restaurant Pizzeria - Garden 2
Ristorante Pizzeria - 1
Restaurant Pizzeria - 1
Restaurant Pizzeria - 1
Ristorante Pizzeria - 2
Restaurant Pizzeria - 2
Restaurant Pizzeria - 2
Ristorante Pizzeria - 3
Restaurant Pizzeria - 3
Restaurant Pizzeria - 3
Ristorante Pizzeria - 4
Restaurant Pizzeria - 4
Restaurant Pizzeria - 4
Ristorante Pizzeria - 5
Restaurant Pizzeria - 5
Restaurant Pizzeria - 5
Sky Bar - Vista sul lago
Sky Bar - Aussicht auf den See
Sky Bar - Lake view
Sky Bar - Whirlpools
Sky Bar - Whirlpools
Sky Bar - Whirlpools
Sky Bar - Terrazza
Sky Bar - Terrasse
Sky Bar - Terrace
Sky Bar - I nostri cocktail
Sky Bar - Unsere Coktails
Sky Bar - Our Coktails
Sky Bar - Bar
Sky Bar - Bar
Sky Bar - Bar
Il lago di Garda
Garda Lake
the Beaches